I first wrote this on February 22, 2009 – I’ve since made four new orders for custom picks and have been pleased with almost everything about every order… good folks and good sales from time to time. My last two orders have been for glow-in-the-dark picks. They’re awesome!
Clayton USA Customized Picks Review
Most of my reviews are sectionalized, categorized, and broken down into parts like playability, value, and quick opinion. This particular review is about a service, as well as the end product. I think this particular review will focus on what I needed, the service I got, and some images of my new promotional item – customized picks!
I wanted to have an interesting way to get ready to market myself, my guitars, and my music I wanted to find a way to get people to look at my customized guitars, my services, my music, and maybe make a few dollars along the way to keep things going.
Fliers and leaflets are OK, and postings at campuses and non-competing stores work good, but simple, recognizable, and useable freebie picks seemed like a great idea. It turns out that I was right. People love them.
OK, enough about the whys and wherefores… what about the picks? They came out great! I took a custom-drawn simple paw, put the site’s name on the design, and asked Steve Clayton’s custom shop to make me 100 starter white Delrin picks (the white seems to make the text more readable – I’m going to try a color on the next batch).
I chose white, simple Fender 351-style shape, .8 or so thickness, Delrin, and black printing. People immediately react in a positive way when they see the picks. Job done!
So, how are the picks? They came out very nicely. The images and text are pretty clear, and the consistency and quality are really quite good. Out of 100 picks, I found none with errors or weird pick problems. Very nice!
The time it took to receive my order was a several days, but nothing outrageous. I wasn’t expecting rush service for 100 custom picks. However, they arrived in reasonable time and nicely packaged. They were in a simple padded package and came in a simple zip-lock style baggie. All is OK, the shipping process didn’t harm the picks or cause any issues.
Want to purchase some of your own? Go to the Steve Clayton custom site and order some! you can go here: http://www.claytoncustom.com/ (opens new window).
My first order consisted of $39 for the picks, and some nominal shipping charges. You can choose among First Class mail, Priority Mail(TM), and other, faster methods. The shipping starts at about $5 and can go higher if you need faster shipping.
As with many custom things, the economies of scale apply, if you order more picks, the cost per pick goes down. So if you’d like hundreds or thousands, your price per pick will be lower than my little 100-pick orders…
I highly recommend Steve Clayton’s custom picks. You can’t buy them at The Guitar Center (but, you could click on the little banner on my page to help me out!), but you can get them directly from Clayton.
Rock on!